About me


I've always found these pages to be quite boring and superficial. If you really want to get to know me, send me a DM or voice note on Instagram and let's get to know each other for real. But, I guess it's custom so here are a few quick ones before we move on to the interesting part 

My name is Micha Bakker

  • I'm currently 33 years old

  • I live in Sweden

  • ..and I've worked as a coach for 10 years.

Now that we've got that out of the way. What's important about me isn't the superficial stuff like what sport I grew up playing (floor ball) or what my favourite food is (ice cream).

What's important is what I believe in, how I work, and how I might be able to help you. I love training. I've been playing sports and been physically active my whole life. And if there's anything I've learned during the tens of thousands of training hours it is this:

Being good at training is cool, but being a good human is even cooler.

Having said that, there's an immense power to be gained in a deep and meaningful physical practice. When learning how to not make your body to work for a certain exercises but learn how to make movements work for your body, that's when you make the real gains. That's when you not only get good at training, but you get good at life by knowing how to use your body for your life.


Everyone wants more resources. They want more strength, more flexibility etc. but they haven't learned how to use what they already have. People want a faster car but they are shitty drivers. That's how I would like to help you. I want to help you upgrade your car and teach you how to learn how to drive your own car. You'll be driving that car for the rest of your life, you might as well learn how to drive it.


My own journey

As I mentioned, I've been playing sports and being physically active my whole life. I went to sport school from the age of 13-18 and I was going for the professional league. Every thing seemed to be working out and then ..a knee injury. 


After some years of useless bro body building, followed by some quality bro bodybuilding, calisthenics, weightlifting, running and powerlifting I found myself quite strong in exercising. I had a really strong deadlift, squat and bench press but I couldn't move my body for shit and although I wasn't the stiffest person in the gym I sure as shit wasn't flexible.



At the age of 27 I got my first coach and that changed my life. Not only did I progress faster than ever but I also learned about the body, my body.

Knowing stuff about training does not mean you know about the body or your body. I started to explore what my body could do.

I learned about concepts and methods, and I learned how to apply them to my body. All of a sudden people asked my if I had a background as a dancer, or a gymnast. What the hell happened?


If there's any take aways from this it is these ones:

  1. I wasn't flexible. I had no body control. I thought it was too late to start. It wasn't. It isn’t.

  2. It takes time to improve, but it takes less time than you think if you are willing to do the work.


So the question is: are you willing to do the work?