Frequently asked questions

There’s basically five questions that I get asked:

  • Is it too late for me to start?

  • How long does it take to reach..?

  • What to you teach?

  • How does it work?

  • What does it cost?

So, here are the answers to those questions.

Is it too late for me to start?

By my own experience as a stiff football player that didn’t start properly training flexibility, strength and body control until my late 20’s I know you can start as an adult. And if you think I started young I highly recommend you to check out @matstrane on instagram. He is proof that you can start really late and that you with small efforts over time can reach a long farking way! It’s never too late to start, but it’s a hell of a lot better to start today than tomorrow.

How long does it take to reach..?

Flexibility, strength and skill takes time, but it takes a lot less time than you think if you are willing to do the work.

What do you teach?

I teach skills or skill based strength and flexibility through bodyweight training, gymnastic rings training and barbell training.

Strength: Chin ups, One are chin ups, Handstand push ups, Push ups, Levers etc.

Flexibility: Front split, Middle split, Pancake, Bridge, Head2Toe etc.

Skills: Handstand, Muscle Ups, Press to handstand, Floor work.

How does it work?

To be as specific as possible the process looks something like this:

1. Fill out an intake form telling me about yourself. You can find the form here.

2. Video call. We schedule in a video call to get to know each other better, to get more precise about your current situation and get more specific about your goals.

3. Video assessment. I will ask you to record videos of relevant exercises and movements to see how you move and where you are at right now.

4. Programming. Based on the form, our conversation and the video assessment I'll create a individualized program with instructional videos suited for you and no one else but you.

5. Execute the program. You execute the program.

6. Feedback loop for progress. You send me videos from your training and share your experience from it.

7. Program update. Depending on your process we'll either update the program by progress or work in phases. Small tweaks will happen when needed. Everything to make sure you are progressing.

8. Repeat 5-7.

What does it cost?

Full coaching 12 weeks - 500 euros.

Full coaching 8 weeks - 400 euros.

Single goal coaching 12 weeks - 360 euros.

Full coaching means we work towards several goals at the same time. Single goal coaching means we work towards one, and only one specific goal.