Free Muscle Up Program
A gem from the past
Some time ago I took up my virtual machete and decided to explore the hidden places of my computer. After finding nothing but digital weed I finally stumbled upon a ruby in the rough, a Muscle Up training program I created 2019 as part of an online course. Since it cost me nothing to share it with you I'd thought I do so.
Before sharing the training program I want to clarify I few things.
This is not the full course. Unfortunately I couldn't find the introduction video or the fundamentals of training with gymnastic rings video.
What is included are the training sessions with exercises, sets, reps, rest and instructional videos to every exercise.
I have not updated the program. I still think it's a good program but I have learned a lot over the last 3 years so I would probably make a few changes here and there were I to do a new program today.
Last but not least, this was part of a 1-on-1 coaching experience in which I adapted the program to each individual of the course.
In the program there are 4 levels of muscle up training included starting from "no experience, no chin up and no dip" to the last piece before rocking out your first strict ring muscle up. In addition to that there are also 3 complementary strength training sessions to get your 1st to 5th chin up and dip.
Get a running start to your muscle up training 😂
If you want the Muscle Up training program just click on the button.
May the odds be ever in your favor.
..and don't hesitate to shot me a DM on instagram (@human.mvmnt) for form checks or tips.